Two paths diverge in a an airport, I go one way, Laura and Kristen go the other. Which one is less travelled we can let Bobby Frost decide that but both are going to be adventurous. I am on my way back to Indo to catch a few more waves and the ladies are going to get their culture on in Thailand. I will be joining them again in about a months time. So new stories and adventures to come.

The last little while has been busy as per usual. We said good by to Kuta, Lombok and made our way to the Gili's. These are three islands just off of Lombok that are similar to the Corn Islands in Nicaragua. Small, no cars, and tons of snorkeling and scuba. We decided to go to Gili Air. It is not the loudest party island but not the quietest out of the three. Very peaceful place and James our travel buddy joined us for this length of the trip as well. There are a few waves on the islands but were not working when we were there. Our days were spent lounging ocean side and not doing much. We did a lot of reading, a little snorkeling and walked around the island. Three days felt like a month which was nice. From there we took the fast boat back to Kuta, Bali to wrap up the month in Indo.

Back in Kuta it was crazy as usual and we stayed at our same place Suka Beach Inn. Two surf sessions at the beach break and then the girls sold their boards. We packed our stuff and took off to Singapore.

Singapore is a nicer Hong Kong. It is quiet, clean, organized, efficient and beautiful. It is very modern, everything is in English. We only spent one full day together and did a good portion of the city. We spent the morning at the zoo. Wow is a good word to describe how cool it is. Monkies swinging, polar bears swimming, tigers prowling and fish jumping. You show your ticket and the first thing you see are these wicked looking monkeys that are not in an enclosure but hanging out in a tree. Lots of the exhibits have little to no cages or fences. The kangaroos, orangutangs and other monkeys were free to roam around. Being in a tropical environment we got to see some interesting stuff.

After the zoo we went downtown and being a few Saturdays before their 45
th anniversary there was a big celebration, military march, airshow and fireworks. They have a beautiful blend of colonial and modern buildings and everything is spotless. Very cool city and it would be a simple transition for any North American to move here.
So I am sitting in a hostel killing time until I can renew my visa for Indo. I head back tomorrow night and begin my new adventure, new board, new waves. Laura will be updating me with what her and Kristen are up to and it will all be blogged.
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