It's like black is the new black. Onshore is supposed to be the new offshore but I disagree. For those that don't know, offshore winds hold waves up and give them their lovely curves. Onshore pushes the waves to the beach and causes more closeouts and the ocean gets hectic. Onshore is fun when it is a light onshore breeze that can create fun sections on a wave, but once it gets windy and you are not surfing a point break or reef you are going to be dealing with a mess.

I bring this up because if onshore is the new offshore then why have all the good days of surfing that I have had been offshore. I scored Langosta again last night. Brad and I had our own wave for an hour until the crowd saw we were in the place to be. Very fun wave and another epic session. Full day of surf and in bed by 9:30pm

This morning was also a beauty offshore morning. We paddled across the estuary (no crocs) to Casitas. The swell has gotten bigger and nice waves coming through. It was busy but shifting peaks so our group of five got our pick of waves which were mostly left handers. One barrel was had, not by me, but it brings pleasure to see
someone get shacked.
So it is Monday afternoon and we are off to find some of this big swell that has arrived.
Ok, having read the entries so far, I am tempted to never look at this blog again - GREEEEN with envy and tempted to jump ship on the Masters and blow tuition on a ticket to Costa. Damn it sounds like fun. Continue to have an incredible time, although it pains me to hear about it...