7am at the Toronto Airport over packed and too many people scrambling to get to their week long oasis over and done with we arrived. Having over sized luggage we were able to jump the line and talk to who seemed to be a pleasant Air Canada attendant. I was wrong.
Laura - "Can we have a plastic bag to cover our backpacks"
AC Lady - "No. Bags for strollers only. You only have one way ticket"
Dan - "We have tickets to leave from Nicaragua to Hong Kong"
AC Lady - "Do you have printer, I call manager"
This is not the conversation one wants to have when you are about to board a plane for a long trip. I was able to go into a room and print off a ticket. She called her manager again, then with some hesitation, let us go. Hugs and kisses to the family and we were off.
San Jose flight to Tamarindo on a 12 seater is always exciting. They made us take our boards out of the bags which then meant I had to fess up I had two boards. They force you to weigh everything that is going on the plane; us, boards, backpacks. Everything made it on...just have to pay to make it happen.
Other than being in 28 degree water the best part of being here is the smell in the air.
Brad and Ashley arrived beers in hand and smiles on face. Should be a fun two weeks.
After a full day of travel there was warm water surfed and cold beer drank.
LK Comments: so great to be back...a few things I missed about Costa:
- the dust lightly covering our sticky faces as we walk to the beach
- jumping into the ocean without a goosebump present
- shelved eggs and milk
- "TAXI", "TAXI"
My mission for today is to get my hands on some amazing empanadas. Yummmm
This is amazing so far! Keep it up- it will be an amazing souvenir at the end of your travels! Love you both! - KJ