Our time at Los Cardones has ended and we are currently in Las Peñitas outside of Leon. It is a weekend beach town for those that live in Leon and an underdeveloped surf town at best. The surf has been bush league so far and I am waiting for the swell to drop a bit to see if the waves clean up a bit. We are north enough in Nicaragua that the continuous offshores are no longer. But since my last session this place does not hold up to "my standards" and we are off in the AM.
Boating aside, this was probably the best wave I have seen. It is a river mouth break over a small amount of reef then it just peels left and barrels. Good waves were had but I was tired due to the Flor de Caña (the best Rum 'possibly' in the world) and 4AM wake-up. I wanted to spend some time there with Laura but the town is a s*#t hole of a port town and looks more like a guys-only kinda place. Trevor, the guy I went with, sessioned it again but this time there were a bunch of US navy guys who just captured 1 Ton of coke.
Laura's Comments - Get Ready
At the front of the Lonely Planet ‘Top Pick’ hotel we weren’t necessarily getting the warmest and coziest feeling. It just seemed a bit run down and not really our vibe. But...at this point, we were not too keen on searching around town for another option so we decide to give it a go. The skinny but long stretch of property has about 5 private cabinas, a hostel-like building, a swimming pool that’s worse for wear and a fairly nice restaurant on a deck overlooking the ocean.
We meet the owner, an odd hippy lady with a rat tail braid ending with a seashell from Quebec. We decide two nights is usually a safe bet at first and check-in.
My initial impression of our cabin was great. We finally had a flush toilet and a fan. This was big stuff. However, I couldn’t help but notice a smell that resembled the smell of a hamster cage. It had just poured rain after arriving so Dan’s observation to me was that the smell came from the wet bamboo-type roof. Okay, to me that sounded like a legitimate response. I bought it...slightly.
The waves weren’t really enticing Dan or I so we went for a walk along the beach before coming back to the hotel for dinner. I’m pretty good with my Spanish menus but this one seemed to be a bit more difficult than others. Dan read through the options and thought the veggie or seafood pasta would be great but knowing me, asked the waiter if it was in cream sauce, which is not a ‘Laura-fav’. Waiter double-checks with the kitchen and yup, indeed it has cream. Okay, searching for another option Dan finds a healthy looking appetizer plate that that has beans, chicken, cheese, salad. Perfect! I’ll take it. With our stomachs grumbling, the food finally reaches our table. Silence. I look at Dan, he looks at me...we burst into laughter! He ordered me a platter of (get ready) fried chicken wings, fried pork rind, fried sausage, fried plantain, fried meatballs, fried banana, accompanied with re-FRIED beans and a salad that’s main purpose was to add a splash of colour to the plate!!! He was in heaven, not I. I think partway through his laughter at what we had ordered me he was also secretly salivating!
Dinner’s over. We are pooped and decide to hit the hay early after one or two episodes of ‘Californication’. I’m still a bit frustrated and slightly nauseous from the hamster smell but Dan tells me to suck it up. Lying in bed we can hear gecko squeals or possibly bats on the roof but we don’t care, we finally have a fan!
Rise and shine. It’s 8am and I’m ready to start the day. I jump out of bed, more in excitement to open the windows to dilute the nasty smell but before I even can, I see a beautifully scattered arrangement of pebbles on the ground. These aren’t the kind of pebbles you find in a waterfall feature in your neighbours garden, no, they are bat shit pebbles. “Dan...what the hell...we have bat shit all over the floor. I’m out of here!” Of course he finds it hilarious but agrees that we need out. He forces me to man-up this time and tell the Quebec lady we’re leaving and would like our money back for the second night. I do it with more-or-less ease but she didn’t seem to think the poo was a good reason to leave.
Backpacks on, surfboards in hand, 35 degree blistering heat, we are on a mission for a new bat-free place to stay. After walking about 1-2km, sweating out of pores we didn’t even know we had, we find Hotel Suyapa Beach. It’s the largest hotel on the beach (20+ rooms) and more of a friendly vibe. Sold! We check in for the token two nights.
Up on the third floor we realize we’re in even more of a luxurious accommodation than we thought. Two turbo fans, a washroom with a real door (more soundproof than the last) and a wall mounted TV. Not even one channel worked but oh well, feels nice to see a TV in any case. We fill the rest of the day with walks, food and surf, ending the night in bed with the final episode of Californication. I must admit, there was some squeaking sounds, most likely bats that made me uneasy but Dan assured me that this roof structure would be bat-shit proof. I investigated and agreed. Sleeping tightly and in comfort (remember the turbo fans), I get the worse and most frightening wake-up. I scream. And loud. Jump onto Dan’s back shaking. A f-ing bat, yes bat, flew and landed on my back. Sounds like an impossibility but for me, anything’s possible. On Dan’s back I politely tell him that a bat landed on me and that I wasn’t cool with it. He gets the headlamp to check it out. Sure enough it’s on the floor beside the bed. I’m shaking like I have the worst case of hypothermia. “ Wait!” I say. I wanted to get under the covers before he attempted to get this uninvited guest out of our room. I wasn’t up for round two. I hear commotion, the door, some girls yelling outside (I probably woke them with my scream) and then finally Dan saying, “it’s gone”. The shaking continued, the disbelief of what just happened stuck on my face and Dan laughed but with sincerity. If that’s possible? Mosquito net up, bathroom light on and one hell of a memory that we won’t forget.
At the front of the Lonely Planet ‘Top Pick’ hotel we weren’t necessarily getting the warmest and coziest feeling. It just seemed a bit run down and not really our vibe. But...at this point, we were not too keen on searching around town for another option so we decide to give it a go. The skinny but long stretch of property has about 5 private cabinas, a hostel-like building, a swimming pool that’s worse for wear and a fairly nice restaurant on a deck overlooking the ocean.
We meet the owner, an odd hippy lady with a rat tail braid ending with a seashell from Quebec. We decide two nights is usually a safe bet at first and check-in.
My initial impression of our cabin was great. We finally had a flush toilet and a fan. This was big stuff. However, I couldn’t help but notice a smell that resembled the smell of a hamster cage. It had just poured rain after arriving so Dan’s observation to me was that the smell came from the wet bamboo-type roof. Okay, to me that sounded like a legitimate response. I bought it...slightly.
The waves weren’t really enticing Dan or I so we went for a walk along the beach before coming back to the hotel for dinner. I’m pretty good with my Spanish menus but this one seemed to be a bit more difficult than others. Dan read through the options and thought the veggie or seafood pasta would be great but knowing me, asked the waiter if it was in cream sauce, which is not a ‘Laura-fav’. Waiter double-checks with the kitchen and yup, indeed it has cream. Okay, searching for another option Dan finds a healthy looking appetizer plate that that has beans, chicken, cheese, salad. Perfect! I’ll take it. With our stomachs grumbling, the food finally reaches our table. Silence. I look at Dan, he looks at me...we burst into laughter! He ordered me a platter of (get ready) fried chicken wings, fried pork rind, fried sausage, fried plantain, fried meatballs, fried banana, accompanied with re-FRIED beans and a salad that’s main purpose was to add a splash of colour to the plate!!! He was in heaven, not I. I think partway through his laughter at what we had ordered me he was also secretly salivating!
Dinner’s over. We are pooped and decide to hit the hay early after one or two episodes of ‘Californication’. I’m still a bit frustrated and slightly nauseous from the hamster smell but Dan tells me to suck it up. Lying in bed we can hear gecko squeals or possibly bats on the roof but we don’t care, we finally have a fan!
Rise and shine. It’s 8am and I’m ready to start the day. I jump out of bed, more in excitement to open the windows to dilute the nasty smell but before I even can, I see a beautifully scattered arrangement of pebbles on the ground. These aren’t the kind of pebbles you find in a waterfall feature in your neighbours garden, no, they are bat shit pebbles. “Dan...what the hell...we have bat shit all over the floor. I’m out of here!” Of course he finds it hilarious but agrees that we need out. He forces me to man-up this time and tell the Quebec lady we’re leaving and would like our money back for the second night. I do it with more-or-less ease but she didn’t seem to think the poo was a good reason to leave.
Backpacks on, surfboards in hand, 35 degree blistering heat, we are on a mission for a new bat-free place to stay. After walking about 1-2km, sweating out of pores we didn’t even know we had, we find Hotel Suyapa Beach. It’s the largest hotel on the beach (20+ rooms) and more of a friendly vibe. Sold! We check in for the token two nights.
Up on the third floor we realize we’re in even more of a luxurious accommodation than we thought. Two turbo fans, a washroom with a real door (more soundproof than the last) and a wall mounted TV. Not even one channel worked but oh well, feels nice to see a TV in any case. We fill the rest of the day with walks, food and surf, ending the night in bed with the final episode of Californication. I must admit, there was some squeaking sounds, most likely bats that made me uneasy but Dan assured me that this roof structure would be bat-shit proof. I investigated and agreed. Sleeping tightly and in comfort (remember the turbo fans), I get the worse and most frightening wake-up. I scream. And loud. Jump onto Dan’s back and shake. A f-ing bat, yes bat, flew and landed on my back. Sounds like an impossibility but for me, anything’s possible. On Dan’s back I politely tell him that a bat landed on me and that I wasn’t cool with it. He gets the headlamp to check it out. Sure enough it’s on the floor beside the bed. I’m shaking like I have the worst case of hypothermia. “ Wait!” I say. I wanted to get under the covers before he attempted to get this uninvited guest out of our room. I wasn’t up for round two. I hear commotion, the door, some girls yelling outside (I probably woke them with my scream) and then finally Dan saying, “it’s gone”. The shaking continued, the disbelief of what just happened stuck on my face and Dan laughed but with sincerity. If that’s possible? Mosquito net up, bathroom light on and one hell of a memory that we won’t forget.
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